Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm Addicted!

I must admit that I've become a bit of a blog addict lately. I subscribed to all of my favorite blogs on Google Reader, so I'm notified when all of the blogs I follow are updated. One of Reader's features is a recommendation of other blogs. So now in addition to reading all of our friend's blogs, I'm reading design blogs, political blogs, and blogs about people I've never met. (Like John Piper's son and daughter-in-law.)

Today I ran across a blog that I just had to share. This blog made me cry tears of sadness and just a bit later made me laugh so hard I cried again. It's the blog of Angie Smith, the wife of Todd Smith of the Christian group Selah. Incidentally, I've heard of the group, but I've never actually heard the group. Maybe I'll check them out.

If you want to see what made me cry tears of sadness, check out the story about their baby, Audrey Caroline. If you want to laugh to the point of crying, you MUST read The Sticks and the Panties and the follow-up, Exhibit A (and B).

Also, if there is a blog you think I should add to my list, let me know!


Cody said...

I too love google reader! So nice to have everything come to one place!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading Angie Smith's blog on and off for that past year or so. I don't remember how I even came across it, but it is a beautiful blog and a touching portrait of hope and faith.

I love reading good blogs, even of people I don't know! To me, it's almost like reading a good book.

The Acosta Family said...

Makes me want to go hold my baby super tight. We are so, so, so lucky to have our boys and have then be healthy. What's a little teething and fussiness, right?

Anonymous said...


I need to update my links...