Saturday, December 20, 2008

8 Months

Today is Reese's 8 month birthday! He has now been with us longer than I carried him inside me. I have to admit, that made me tear up a little this morning. He's growing and changing so fast.

Someone loves the remote.

Reese's two front teeth and the tooth to the right of them have almost broken through. I've just about decided that teething is more unpleasant than childbirth. Even childbirth without any pain meds.

This smile didn't last long today.

Reese shares his new teether with Rudy.

We made a video to share, but Blogger won't let me load it. I'll try to get it posted soon.

1 comment:

Hough said...

I heard a great theologian recently say, "There has not been natural childbirth since the fall, so ladies take the epidural!"