Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Tradition

Three years ago today George and I spent a cool and dreary St. Patrick's Day in Toledo, Spain. We spent the day touring the town's huge cathedral and visiting little shops that sold Toledo's famous swords and damascene goods.

We did not know photos were not allowed in the cathedral, until I tried to snap one and a guard yelled, "Noooooooo fotooooooos!" That was okay with us, because it was the last day of our 5 days in Spain, and we had seen so many cathedrals that they were all starting to look alike.

Here's the photo I wasn't supposed to take.

We had a difficult time finding a place to eat lunch that day, as most restaurants in the town served typical Spanish fare, which is heavy on the meat. We stumbled upon a little Irish pub, of all places, and ended up having a good lunch. We dined on cheddar peppers, peanuts, nachos, and of course, Fanta limon.

The Irish pub

Our St. Patrick's Day lunch

Ever since that day, we've made it our St. Patrick's Day tradition to eat cheddar peppers to celebrate the day. Sonic's are pretty good, especially with their ranch sauce. Now if I could only find some lemon Fanta in the States to go with the cheddar peppers, I'd be one happy girl.

George walks up one of the quaint streets of Toledo.

Here I am walking up a huge hill to get to the older
part of Toledo.

The view of Toledo from the top of the hill.

Me and Cervantes, author of Don Quixote

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

1 comment:

Cody said...

That's a slammin hair cut George!